The mission of Antonian College Preparatory High School is to inspire and empower young men and women to thrive while leading
meaningful lives rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
As Catholics, we are called to serve on another as Jesus did. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains, "To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize Christ in the poorest, his brethren" (no. 1397.)
In servicing the community we are not only benefiting others, but ourselves. Service helps us to go beyond our "comfort zone" or our "own limits", it helps us discover more about who we are as a person, and more importantly, it helps us realize that authentic happiness and fulfillment is possible when we give of ourselves to others because we were made to love in the same way God loves us.
Inspired by the Corporal Works of Mercy outlines by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, our students are encouraged to recognize Christ in serving the needs of the less fortunate. As parents and primary educators of your children, we seek your involvement and support in achieving this goal.
Antonian Requirements:
- A minimum of 25 hours are required per academic year. Any hours exceeding the minimum will not carry over to the next academic year.
- At least 15 of these hours must be earned by doing specifically Christian service, those actions which are in accordance with the Gospel teachings as well as the Corporal Works of Mercy. Christian service has its roots in the command of the Gospel to be of service to the needy, poor, and disadvantages in a direct, personal, and helping way.
- The remaining 10 hours can be served in any organization of your preference and/or helping at school (concession stands/volunteering at athletic events/ etc.)
- All hours must be logged in x2Vol for verification and approval.
**If you are unsure if an organization meets these requirements, please visit with the Director of Campus Ministry for assistance, otherwise you could risk the possibility of repeating those hours.
FAQs/Additional Information
Caring for members of your family will not count for community service. Serving families is our duty and responsibility as God asked us in the 4th commandment.
Hours worked during the summer can apply for the upcoming school year as long as they follow the guidelines (Works of Mercy/Community driven.)
Completing hours is a requirement for graduation, thus seniors who do not meet this requirement may not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies.
Underclassmen who do not complete their requirement may not receive schedules and may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or athletics (including during the summer) until the requirement is met.
Any student found to have forged their information will be subject to severe disciplinary consequences.
We ask parents to familiarize themselves with the organization, site, and personnel involved in the service project chosen, and to help their child(ren) discern the appropriateness of their choice.
- Babysitting
- Work completed for pay
- Yard work (mowing, raking, etc.)
- Fostering or walking pets
- Activities done as household chores
- Activities done for a school club or organization in which you are already a member. You may not receive hours for anything that is a requirement of your club or organizations.
Ask yourself - is what I am doing related to the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy? Does my service set a Christian example and witness the Gospel? Would others know that I am Christian by my actions of service?
Catholic Charities
Guadalupe Community Center
Refugee volunteer program
Mobile loaves and fish
The Saddle Light center
Providence Place
Morgan’s Wonderland
Mission Road Developmental Center
(210) 924-9265
Eva’s Heroes
Any Baby Can San Antonio
Children Association of Maximum potential (CAMP)
San Antonio Food Bank
Haven for Hope
Kinetic Kids
Ronald McDonald House
Good Samaritan community services
The ARC San Antonio
The Village at Incarnate Word – Retirement Center
Unicorn Centers, Inc.
Saint Francis Nursing Home
Padua Place (Retired priests)
Christian Senior Services
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home
San Antonio Youth Literacy
YMCA of Greater San Antonio